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Dаtе аddеd: 7.09.2012
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Worried about my daughter twitching.
What you need to know about twitching while sleeping. Twitching while sleeping happens to many people. But what causes it to happen and is it a serious condition that
5 year old twitching and jerking during.
06.01.2010 · Best Answer: You are not going to like my answer, but this is my experience. I have no idea if your daughter is doing the same thing, you need to consult a
Night Twitching in Adults Twitching While Sleeping - Sleep. Understanding Twitching while sleeping. Twitching while sleeping is a symptom and not a diagnosis of a disease and it is medically referred to as Sleep Myoclonus.
Twitching While Sleeping - Sleep.
Hand Twitching during Sleep
twitching in sleep
Twitching While Sleeping | Sleep.
I have a 5 year old son. In March of last year he experienced an episode where he had repetative jerks of his whole body-similar to what I call "sleep starts"-but